Certain thoughts are acceptable, but writing or saying them out loud are not. One of these is that sometimes, the most beloved older relatives can feel like a burden. I said it. And that absolutely occurred to me when my 91-year-old wanted to go to my son’s wedding 3,000 miles away.
I’m very close to my mother-in-law and adore her. But she is an oxygen-toting nonagenarian who had been hospitalized just months before the wedding. I wanted our undivided attention to go toward the wedding.
I write about this evil thought–she’s going to be a burden–in a piece for the Huffington Post http://huff.to/q5ryqr. But it actually turns out differently. It’s where the daughter-in-law(moi) realizes that her MIL enriches the wedding, that “dancing” in a wheelchair does actually work. Rather than being a big drag, she is a big draw–and a wonderful wedding present for my son.