Sally Abrahms is an award-winning writer focusing on 50+


Sally Abrahms

I write for the nation’s top magazines, newspapers and websites. I speak at national conferences on topics relating to boomers and older adults.

Need a writer who:

  • Is a nationally recognized expert?
  • Knows the latest trends, studies and resources in the 50+ demographic?
  • Is collaborative, fast and, in more than 40 years, has never missed a deadline?

Featured Stories

What's New?

Columbia University Fellowship on Housing

I knew about boomer and senior housing trends, but far less about affordable housing—the staggering shortage for older adults—and some...
READ MORE about Columbia University Fellowship on Housing

News About Me: Fellow in Social Innovation at Babson College

I am delighted to become a Senior Fellow in Social Innovation at Babson College. Since my focus is on boomers,...
READ MORE about News About Me: Fellow in Social Innovation at Babson College

Loneliness Isn’t Just for the Old

I write about, and see a lot of, social isolation: older adults who can no longer get out of the...
READ MORE about Loneliness Isn’t Just for the Old

Let’s Talk Elder Financial Abuse

I may write about elder fraud, but last year, a sweet-talking scammer convinced me that my computer had a virus....
READ MORE about Let’s Talk Elder Financial Abuse

“Sally, simply put, is a ‘triple threat.’ She has an exhaustive knowledge of her favorite topics, aging and baby boomers. She has great story ideas. And…she’s a pleasure to work with: passionate, smart — and funny. (Takes her work very seriously — but not herself.) I always look forward to teaming up — and hope to do so for many years to come.”

- Glenn Ruffenach, former News Editor, The Wall Street Journal

In A Word

I’m a baby boomer passionate about the 50+ issues I write about—and know about first-hand. I’m a professional in this field, using experience as a wife, mother of adult children, mother-in-law and grandmother. I’ve been a caregiver to three parents and even a “90 year-old" Springer Spaniel!

Sally Abrahms